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Mastanduno Law Group

Establishing Guardianship for A Child

While the saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child, parents in Oregon expect to be the one doing the raising. In some matters; however, it may be determined that a biological parents is not suitable to raise a child.

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Mastanduno Law Group

Who Can Challenge a Will in Oregon?

When a loved one dies, they often leave behind a will detailing what their wishes are. Wills are important estate planning tools that allow a person to divide up their assets exactly how they want.

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Mastanduno Law Group

You’re Getting Divorced—what Happens to Your Business?

Property division can be one of the most stressful aspects of a divorce, and most couples wonder what assets they will have at the end of their marriage. For business owners, those questions may extend to the businesses that they have dedicated their money and effort to.

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Mastanduno Law Group

Adoption and Your Family

Adoption is a beautiful way to complete your family. However, our clients often have questions about this complex process, as well as about how the adoptive relationships could potentially interact with an uncertain future, i.e. in the legal areas of divorce, estate planning and so on.

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Mastanduno Law Group

Mistakes to Avoid when Writing a Will

The purpose of writing a will is to express your wishes to your loved ones, as well as the probate court that will handle your estate. That way, they do not have to guess at what you might have wanted after you die.

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Mastanduno Law Group

3 Occasions when A Postnuptial Agreement Is an Excellent Idea

Many people marry on an equal financial footing or have few assets and liabilities when they marry, so signing a prenuptial agreement never crosses their mind. Some circumstances that crop up after the wedding may set the financial balance of your relationship askew.

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Mastanduno Law Group

What Are the Responsibilities of A Guardian?

You may find yourself in a situation where the court appoints you as a guardian for someone else. This might happen when an adult can no longer take care of him or herself or for minor children whose parents can no longer take care of them.

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Mastanduno Law Group

Who Should Inherit the Family Business?

Starting and growing a family business takes years of dedication, hard work and financial resources. Without an estate plan addressing the issue of business succession, your spouse or children may inherit the company under Oregon’s default probate law.

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