Founded in 2015, Mastanduno Law Group’s small business experience is as practical as it is academic. Our Attorneys are well versed in the legal considerations of small business planning, like corporate structures, bylaws and contracts, state and federal taxation, labor and employment law, etcetera.
To Start Working Toward Results
Introduction to The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
s part of a general litigation and consumer protection practice, consumer debt obligations and issues with debt collection are present in many cases with diverse facts and claims. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, 15 USC 1692 et.,seq,, is a broad federal statute that serves both a guidelines and best practices for debt collectors, and provides robust remedies for consumers.
Collaborative Law – Getting Results without Litigation
One of the greatest fears many clients have when starting the ugly process of divorce is that it will take months and months of painful litigation, resulting in stress, unhappiness, and bringing about a solution that the court has devised which leaves no one satisfied. These fears are well founded; a divorce is one of the hardest things a person can go through and spouses often make it harder for each other by not sitting down and talking it out.
Making Sense of Your Property Tax Statement
If you own land in Oregon, every year you receive a property tax statement from the county. And, if you’re like most people, it looks like a bunch of different numbers with only one that really matters to you: the total tax for that year.
An Overview of Oregon’s Family Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA)
Domestic violence is a serious issue in today’s society. As of 2012’s National Census of Domestic Violence Services, Oregon’s Domestic Violence programs served 1,176 victims in one day.
How Do Property Taxes Work in Oregon? What Can I Do if They’re Too High?
Property taxes in Oregon are governed by two interdependent measures: Measure 5 and Measure 50. Through the end of the 80s and the early 90s, the economy was booming and new residents were moving to Oregon.
Naming Beneficiaries for Your Estate and Investments
There are many ways to safeguard your assets for the future. Mastanduno Law Group wants to make sure that every step you need to take is implemented in the organization of your estate.